
School Expectations

At the start of the day

  • Be on time.
  • Arrive with completed homework and any equipment needed for the day.
  • Bring a note from home if your uniform is incomplete, you have been absent or have an appointment.

Before the lesson

  • Take off and put away any outdoor wear.
  • Wait and line up quietly for permission to enter the room.

In the lesson

  • Stand behind your chair until your teacher greets you and asks you to sit.
  • Get out books, contact book, pens and equipment.
  • Have homework ready to be given in.
  • Put bags away on the floor and wait attentively for the lesson to begin.

During lessons

  • Remain silent and concentrate while your teacher talks to the whole class.
  • Work with others. Do not annoy or distract them.
  • Make up for any lesson time or work missed through lateness or absence.
  • Eating and drinking are not allowed in classrooms or corridors. Chewing gum is not allowed in school.

At the end of lessons

  • Remember that the end of lesson signal is for the teachers who decide when the lessons end.
  • Pack away and put coats on only after being told.
  • Put chairs under the table.
  • Wait to be dismissed.

Electronic devices

Electronic devices including i-Pods, MP3s, mobile phones and smart watches are NOT allowed at school. Electronic devices seen or heard in school will be confiscated and parents/carers will be required to collect them at the end of the day. Mobile phones can be handed in at the office in a named bag.


There is no excuse for rudeness, shouting or defying the teacher. Instructions are for obeying, not discussing. Any request from any member of staff should be carried out at once. Teachers act in the best interests of all students.

Remember: all students are expected to respect school property.

Respect for all

Everyone has the right to be valued and treated fairly and respectfully regardless
of their colour, race or religion, their sex, class, ability or disability.


Bullying may be verbal, physical or cyber bullying. No form of bullying is tolerated. If you are a victim of bullying, or if you see trouble with others do not

hesitate to inform a member of staff. You should not put up with bullies. Tell your friends, your Form Tutor, your teacher or your Progress Leader/Pastoral Lead.

Please read carefully the anti-bullying policy on the school website (which includes advice on all forms of bullying including cyberbullying.)